The Wisdom in Learning
I am in the last months of Camp Utopia's 300hr teacher training. I have been a part, helped, and observed the two 200hr trainings about to finish, as well. I also just recently returned from a Restorative Yoga training with Judith Hanson Lasater, in San Francisco, CA. I tell you this because, through my trainings, I have been gaining so much knowledge from my two main teachers, Helen Stutchbury and Lasater, as well as all the students and peers learning along with me. Knowledge is infinite. Wisdom comes from knowledge gained, and more importantly, experience.
These teachers are wise, and have created something of their own, based upon what they have learned and experienced, within themselves, and by observing countless people and students. Sometimes I feel as though some of their teachings conflict. One may say, twist with your hip bones square, and the other says "allow your pelvis to move with the rest of your spine." One has been tucking the tailbone for ages but changing the verbiage now, and the other gives clear examples why we should not tuck our tailbones in certain poses. One is all about squeezing and gaining strength, while one is teaching the value of rest and relaxation. Ultimately, neither are wrong or right, and all of it has its value and place in the mind of a student. However, it is with experience and knowledge gained, that we find the real wisdom in our learning.
As teachers we must decide what to let go of, or leave. We must decide what we want to take and share with our own students. On the journey to become our most authentic selves, it is up to you, and only you, to choose what must stay and what must go. What is most valuable to you? What rings "truth" to you, in your mind, and in your heart?
As I learn countless new techniques and gain new perspectives, I realize not everything will stick. Ultimately, what I find most interesting, and what aligns with my purpose and my goals, will be tried, experimented with, and shared as the time is right. I will take in as much as I can of what my teachers put out there, and put out as much as I can as a teacher. Through knowledge and experience gained, there is also wisdom to attain, even wisdom in how to learn.
I hope this helps both students and teachers alike. Just know that it is not about the teacher or anyone else. You are on your own personal journey. Seek and find your own truths.
Love and light,